Remember the Y Block?
If you were to ask any classic car enthusiast to name the Ford V-8’s of yesteryear, you would get answers like the venerable Flathead, the FE series that gave us the famous 427 side-oiler, or the small block Windsor family. How many people would answer “Y block”? Not many. It is an engine family that has been forgotten by most. But recently this vintage, overhead valve V-8 has gained popularity again as being one of Ford’s best motors during the Eisenhower-Kennedy era. This FoMoCo powerplant began its life with only 239ci in 1954, but steadily grew to 312ci by 1956. The Y block dominated the NASCAR tracks in 1956 and 1957, totaling 84 wins - almost as much as any other make!*
Also in 1957, Karol Miller set a speed record for sedans at Bonneville with his ‘56 Ford Victoria that he drove all the way to the Bonneville salt flats from his home in Texas. With a 292ci (bored to 301ci) Y block Ford motor and an Edelbrock dual four barrel intake manifold, he averaged over 150 mph - that was 13 mph better than any of the competition!** The Y block certainly had its heyday and was available new until the end of 1964 when Ford decided to stop putting the engine in its trucks. For many years, only the died-in-the-wool Ford faithful touted the Y block’s strength and integrity, making it their engine of choice. Now, it seems that many old car buffs, hot rodders, and restoration gurus are remembering this V-8 engine and adding to its popularity.
No matter how long you have been around, or how smart you think you are, it is easy to forget the things that made a difference in your life. Remember those days when you were a child and your parents took you to church? What was it the Sunday School teacher told you? “Jesus said, ye must be born again.”
You may have thought, “Well, I don’t need that right now, I’m alright - that stuff is for old folks anyhow.”
Over the years we have a tendency to forget what is most important, what purpose we have in life, and why we have been given the life that we have.
God says...
“For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little while, and then vanisheth away.” - James 4:14
Our eternal life is not about the cars; it’s not about the hobby; it’s not about what we can do; but what He can do for us. What good will that old classic be when you finally pass from this life to the next? What are you going to do with that great powerplant you have worked on for so long and put so much of your time, money and effort into? You cannot take it with you - it all stays here, but you do not. Rest assured that death has a 100% probability. One of these days, all of us will die. The possibility of death is not the question.
The question is, “Where will I spend eternity?”
Just as we can find the statistics of forgotten speed records in the writings and books of the past, even more so can we find the spiritual answers for eternity in the writings of God’s Book - the Bible. Look at these principles and quotes from the Word of God.
Realize that God Loves You
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” - John 3:16
All things began with God, and mankind was created because of His love. God loves you and desires to have a relationship with you unlike any other.
Believe in God’s Word That Says All Men Are Sinners
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God...” - Romans 3:23
We must come to terms with the fact that we are born sinners and have lived a sinful life. Ever lie about the horsepower your motor’s got? Ever fudged on your auto insurance application? What about that night you got drunk and ran off at the mouth at someone or even started a fight? No matter how little or how large, God says sin is sin, and it separates us from Him.
Believe in God’s Word That Says Sin Must Be Punished
“For the wages of sin is death...” - Romans 6:23a
The ultimate punishment for sin is death - that is a fact of nature. But what about spiritual death? Revelation 21:8 says that the second death is to be cast into the lake of fire forever. Eternal punishment awaits all of those who reject the Lord Jesus Christ.
Believe the Good News! Christ Died For Your Sin
“...the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” - Romans 6:23b
Christ took all of the punishment for sin when He died on the cross. All of mankind’s sin was paid in full, and Jesus has made salvation FREE to all of those who will trust Him by faith. The bodily resurrection of Christ proves He is God, proves He has the power over life and death, and that we can give our lives over to Him knowing full well that He will keep us saved forever. Read I John 5:11-13.
Pray and Receive Christ As Your Savior
“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” - Romans 10:13
Will You Receive Him Today?
Agree with God that you have sinned, confess that Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven, trust in the resurrection power of the Lord, and ask Him to save you today. It is not necessarily in the words that we say, but in our belief upon Him who has provided the means of Salvation for us. Why not pray this prayer and receive Him as your Savior?
“Lord, I know that I am a sinner; I am coming to You by faith, trusting You with my life. Forgive me, and come into my heart and save me, and give me a new life in Christ, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”
If you have made that decision, I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to know about it. Would you call me, Daniel Jessup, at (513) 262-9933? God bless you for your decision.
* Y Block Magazine, July-August 2005, Issue # 69, Editor, Bruce Young.
** Ford Performance Handbook, 1962 by Ray Brock and the editors of Hot Rod Magazine